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In-depth planning and implementation of the "three quantities" work, and a number of measures at the same time to sprint goals and tasks - Lihe Group held the study and implementation of the city's high-quality state-owned enterprise development symposium spirit Party Committee expansion conference 2023-11-14

The morning of November 13th,Lihe Group held an expanded meeting of the Party committee,In-depth study and implement the speech spirit of the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee at the symposium on promoting the high-quality development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the city,We will continue to increase our sense of urgency and responsibility in pursuing development and solving difficult problems,Work hard and overcome difficulties,Ensure the successful conclusion of the annual tasks。Mr. Chen Hongwei, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and General Manager of Lihe Group, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech。Members of the group leadership team, mid-level cadres of the functional departments of the Group headquarters, and members of the leadership team of each affiliated enterprise attended the meeting。

陈红卫同志指出,推进全市国资国企高质量发展座谈会是深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于国有企业改革发展和党的建设的重要论述,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,推动全市国资国企高质量发展走深走实的重要引擎。Party organizations at all levels of the group system should take the spirit of the meeting to convey, study and implement as an important task,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects through learning,持续贯彻落实党的二十大精神和习近平总书记关于天津工作“三个着力”重要要求,Solid implementation of the "ten actions" of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal government,We will work hard to revitalize stock, foster incremental growth, and improve quality,We will effectively form consensus, ideas, measures, and results on our work,Bring together strong synergy to promote the work of the "three quantities",Continuously improve the ability to do a good job in the "three quantities" work,Continue to improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise development。

Comrade Chen Hongwei closely combined with the actual development of the group and put forward clear requirements on the implementation of the spirit of the symposium。First, we must strengthen the consensus of confidence in the "three quantities" of work。要深刻认识做好“三量”工作是深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于国有企业改革发展和党的建设重要论述的具体行动,进一步深化认识、保持定力、坚定信心,千方百计将各项工作抓紧抓实、抓出成效。The second is to clarify the path and method of the "three quantities" work。It is necessary to take the "three quantities" work as the key starting point, adhere to planning guidance, classified policies, and result-oriented, activate the stock, cultivate the increment, and improve the quality, and effectively improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises and enhance their core functions。The third is to grasp the party building guarantee of the "three quantities" work。Adhere to the leadership of the Party, strengthen the party building, press the main responsibilities of Party organizations at all levels, the responsibility of the main responsible comrades, and the "one job and two responsibilities" of team members, have the courage to take responsibility, move the truth, and effectively promote the high-quality development of the group to go deep and solid。

At present, there are more than 40 days before the end of the year, and we need to complete all the work objectives and tasks this year。Comrade Chen Hongwei called on all cadres and employees to resolutely take "stabilizing the economy, promoting growth, and maintaining goals" as the first priority, implement the spirit of the symposium with an attitude of seeking practical results, actively participate in labor competition activities, pay close attention to the implementation of annual goals and responsibilities, strengthen confidence, take the initiative, and work together to win the annual "closing battle."。

Source: Manager's office

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